Jack Thanatos is a visionary of a fictional existence, a specter of Reality. He mentally harbors the world around him, watching the strings pulled and writes a supernatural infused version of what he sees. Real life has a way of getting away from us with the daily grind forcing us away from what we truly wish for ourselves.
Jack merely wishes to bring the world back to one of simpler means, a world governed by ancient gods and new deities pulling the strings that normal folks shouldn't naturally have the ability to even know about. A world where the Dreaming and Reality can work together as friends with benefits. A world where Cyberspace is a place that can be physically traversed.
The Djinn universe will encompass each and every entry into Jack's anthology. The characters will work within the same limitations (or lack thereof). The hope is that once this is all done, every reader will look at the fragile existence around them with a slightly more skeptical attitude, that maybe these beings could really be hanging out behind the scenes.
Email me: thanatos-jack@hotmail.com